Thursday, October 10, 2019

Creative Inspiration in the Garden.

It's been a long time since I’ve posted anything on this blog. However that’s not to say I’ve been idle on the creative front. Creativity, of course, takes on many forms. Sometimes things need to gestate for a while before anything worthwhile is brought to life, at least publicly anyway.

The last fews years I've been giving my attention to cameras and photography, but with a view to creating art. I’m also a keen gardener, so the garden seemed a natural place to find subjects to focus on.

Years ago when I was a printer I was involved in creating a few calendars and one in particular I enjoyed and found to be rather inspirational. It featured the work of a painter who specialises in floral subjects. She’s also a keen gardener like me and she finds much of her subject matter at home. Her name is Nancy Tichborne, a New Zealand water colour artist. Google her name. She has an interesting story to tell and beautiful artwork to go with it.

The good thing about finding subjects at home for me means less time gallivanting round the countryside looking for scenes to shoot, although I do enjoy landscape photography when I do get to explore a bit. But where I live the traffic’s so bad especially at golden hour, I feel I can be more productive staying at home.

So this year I’ve been concentrating on growing the kinds of plants I’d like to create art from. Lillies are one such plant I’d never tried growing before but which I truly love. So when the first lilly bulbs started flowering, the creative instinct in me went into overdrive as I tried various ways of capturing them in an artful way. This is one example of the results...

This will no doubt be the first of many attempts I hope to make when the other bulbs finally flower.